GDIPAL - Based on GDIInput THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Copyright (C) 1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. PURPOSE: Demonstrates the use of the Windows palette manager on palette devices. Allows the user to choose pen and brush colors from the system palette. USES: Based on GDIInput COMMENTS: This is a 32-bit only sample. MODULE MAP: Dispatch- Message dispatching routines WinMain - Calls initialization functions and processes the message loop GDIPal - Implements the windows procedure for the main application window Init - Performs application and instance specific initialization About - Defines a standard about dialog box. Misc - Defines the applications specific commands not related to a specific module. ToolBar - Creates the toolbar and processes ToolTips notifications. StatBar - Creates and manages the status bar. Client - Implements the window procedure for a child window that covers the entire client area of the main window except for the tool bar and status bar. Performs all drawing. PenDlg - Dialog box for choosing the pen style used for drawing. BrushDlg- Dialog box for choosing the brush style used for filling objects. ColorDlg- Dialog box for choosing a color from the system palette when running GDIOut on a palette-based device. PalCtrl - Implements a custom control for displaying and selecting colors from the current system palette. Palette - Implements palette manager-related routines such as handlers for palette messages. InfoDlg - Dialog box for displaying some basic color and palette information regarding the display device.